Video Isis museo Mosul distrutte statue bassorilievi antichi tra i reperti anche delle copie. The jihadi militias of the Islamic State (Isis) have destroyed many statues, friezes and other pre-Islamic art objects on display in the Museum of Mosul in northern Iraq. The work of destruction is documented in a video lasting five minutes spread on some Islamic websites: according to experts destroyed the finds include both the original and the copies. art , arte , copie , esteri , Isis , Mosul , museo , ONU , reperti , sculture , statue , UNESCO , UrlTube , video , commenti . " # Video # Isis # museo # Mosul distrutte # statue # bassorilievi tra reperti anche copie HD" http://youtu .be/EWTK2IKJlNE - Isis spreads a video in which they are destroyed ancient statues and bas-reliefs in Mosul After the burning of libraries and books, places of worship to pieces...