'Change', una nueva canción de la cantautora siciliana Beatrice Campisi y la primera extraída del segundo álbum, lanzado en 2021, producido y arreglado por Alessandro Alosi, está disponible en formato digital.
A Beatrice Campisi le gusta definirse como una exploradora musical y ha intentado trasladar este valor en la escritura e interpretación de 'Cambiamento': "la canción, que representa el hilo rojo de todo el disco -explica- está ligada a la investigación, al movimiento necesaria e incesante, incluso dolorosa, del hombre hacia un mejor en otra parte, tanto figurativa como literalmente. La inspiración proviene de mi experiencia como profesora en la prisión de Voghera. Del encuentro con los presos, muchos de ellos marcados por un pasado huyendo de las guerras y la pobreza, surgió un momento de profunda reflexión sobre el sufrimiento de los demás, sobre la necesidad de una redención individual que pasa por un camino de catarsis, sobre la importancia de "bienvenida y respeto por los demás".
La pieza pretende resaltar el paralelismo entre la travesía del Mediterráneo que hacen los migrantes para cambiar de vida y el viaje interior que todo ser humano debe afrontar para renovarse. Por un lado, el miedo a dejar lo familiar, como el apego nostálgico al niño que tuvo que luchar y sufrir para 'afrontar el mar' de la vida; por otro lado, la necesidad de redimirnos de esta parte oscura de nuestra alma, para permitir que surja una nueva visión de nosotros mismos y seamos capaces de acoger ”.
El arreglo de la canción, grabado en Downtown Studios (PV), mezclado en Duna Studio (RA) y masterizado en La Maestà Mastering por G. Versari, está estructurado para representar tanto el aspecto dramático de un camino doloroso como la fuerza vital del tensión hacia un nuevo comienzo. El videoclip de la canción, dirigido por Lù Magarò y producido en colaboración con el colectivo 'Riflessi ACV', cuenta con la participación de Christian Fagetti, bailarín solista del Teatro alla Scala que interpreta una original coreografía centrada en el choque / encuentro de luces y sombras, por blanco y negro, y escenifica con tu cuerpo las fuerzas contrarias que nos guían y que pueden converger en la transformación profunda que llamamos 'cambio'.
Beatrice Campisi, cantautrice, canto, canzone, ILCANTODELLEDONNE, lyrics, Musica, Teatro-alla-Scala, testi, Video, vocal, voce, voice
Change of the new song by the Sicilian singer-songwriter, Beatrice Campisi, first extracted from the album to be released in 2021 (produced and arranged by Alessandro Alosi):
"The crossing of the Mediterranean that migrants make to change their lives, like the inner journey that every human being must face in order to renew themselves and welcome a profound transformation."
"Change" comes out digitally
Digitally released “Cambiamento” (listen on Spotify), a new song by the Sicilian singer-songwriter Beatrice Campisi, and the first extracted from the second album, out in 2021, produced and arranged by Alessandro Alosi. The video clip is also online at the same time.
Beatrice Campisi likes to define herself as a musical explorer and has tried to transfer this value in the writing and interpretation of "Cambiamento": "the song, which represents the red thread of the whole album, is linked to research, to the necessary movement and incessant, even painful, of man towards a better elsewhere, both figuratively and literally - says the author -. The inspiration comes from my experience as a teacher at the Voghera Prison; from the meeting with the inmates, many of whom marked by a past fleeing from wars and poverty, a moment of profound reflection on the suffering of others arose, on the need for an individual redemption that passes through a path of catharsis, on the importance of 'welcome and respect for others. "
The journeys of the human being
The piece aims to highlight the parallelism between the crossing of the Mediterranean that migrants make to change their lives, and the inner journey that every human being must face in order to renew himself. On the one hand, the fear of leaving what is familiar, such as the nostalgic attachment to the child who had to struggle and suffer to "face the sea" of life; on the other hand, the need to redeem ourselves from this dark part of our soul, to allow a new vision of ourselves to emerge and be able to welcome.
The arrangement of the song, recorded at Downtown Studios (PV), mixed at Duna Studio (RA) and mastered at G. Versari's La Maestà Mastering, is structured to represent both the dramatic aspect of a painful path and the life force of tension. towards a new beginning.
The video clip of the song, directed by Lù Magarò, and produced in collaboration with the collective "Riflessi ACV", boasts the participation of Christian Fagetti, solo dancer of the Teatro alla Scala: the artist interprets an original choreography focused on the clash / encounter of lights and shadows, of black and white, and stages with his own body the opposing forces that guide us and that can converge in the profound transformation that we call "change".
Biographical notes
Beatrice Campisi is a Sicilian singer-songwriter transplanted to Pavia and she likes to define herself as a "musical explorer". Her artistic training began with the study of singing and piano at the Bellini Conservatory in Catania and continued through stages (such as the training campus at the CET of Mogol) and prestigious collaborations (Claudio Lolli, Antonio Marangolo, Jono Manson). You have participated in various musical reviews: Catania Jazz, at the Metropolitan theater in Catania, Bellini opera gala at the Ancient Theater of Taormina; Il Tenco Listen at the Osteria delle Dame in Bologna opening to Sergio Cammariere; Brenzone Music Festival organized by Mauro Ottolini; Review of author and love opening to Alice and Marco Ferradini; Historical and New Author's Song opening to Francesco Baccini, the MEI in Faenza, Lilith Festival, the Female Anatomy Festival directed by Michele Monina on the occasion of the Sanremo Festival 2019.
Her first album, "Il gusto dell'ingiusto" (Ultra Sound Records, 2017), was produced by the American singer-songwriter Jono Manson and released in collaboration with SIAE and MiBACT as part of the "Sillumina" project. The disc consists of 12 unreleased songs that embrace a wide spectrum of artistic influences, from the songwriter to the Sicilian roots, passing through jazz contaminations. After the "Jukebox" project (2019), a collection of songs from the great Italian and Sicilian dialectal tradition arranged in a personal key, enriched by the presence of exceptional guests and accompanied by video clips, she immersed herself in writing and production (with Alessandro Alosi) of the second album of unreleased tracks, whose release is scheduled for 2021.
The winter tour in Germany (accompanied by the "Flying Caravan", a colorful circus of Italian and international songwriters), interrupted due to the lockdown, is followed by the release of "I saw Nina fly", a masterpiece by Fabrizio De André, with the accompaniment by Massimiliano Alloisio (classical guitar) and translated into Italian sign language by Mauro Iandolo. The piece, recorded in the beautiful location of the Civic Museums of Pavia, served as the soundtrack
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