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#PiazzaPulita. Luigi #Lusi attacca Enrico #Letta. #LettaFalloSubito era tra i dirigenti del #Pd-Margherita autorizzati a chiedere a Luigi Lusi tesoriere del partito finanziamenti da utilizzare in attività politiche. Lusi si difende e parla di EnricoLetta 'Non potevo...

Luigi Lusi accusa Enrico Letta. Enrico Letta era tra i dirigenti del Pd ex Margherita autorizzati a chiedere a Luigi Lusi  tesoriere del partito finanziamenti da utilizzare in attività politiche. Lusi si difende e parla di Enrico Letta
"Non potevo verificare le fatture"   Luigi Lusi  si trincera dietro molti "non so", dietro altri "ipotizzo", nomina Enrico Letta, assicura che gli immobili del partito usati dalla sua famiglia sarebbero presto tornati al partito. VIA -- Nel gennaio 2012 l'ex tesoriere della Margherita Luigi Lusi, iscritto nel registro degli indagati per aver sottratto, secondo la procura di Roma, ingenti somme di denaro dalle casse del partito, ha sostenuto che parte di tali soldi sia andata a diversi appartenenti al partito, tra i quali Enrico Letta - VIA -

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#PiazzaPulita. Luigi #Lusi attacca Enrico #Letta. #LettaFalloSubito era tra i dirigenti del #Pd-Margherita autorizzati a chiedere a Luigi Lusi tesoriere del partito finanziamenti da utilizzare in attività politiche. Lusi si difende e parla di EnricoLetta 'Non potevo..."
An - -
Lusi defends himself and speaks of Enrico Letta
"I could not verify the invoices"
Hearing to the Board for permission to proceed to the Senator, after the request for arrest issued by Rome prosecutors. Many "do not know" and the distinction of the former treasurer of the Margherita. "All expenses were documented, but I do not know if it corresponded to the events described"
I read it afterLusi defends himself and speaks of 
Enrico Letta "I could not verify the invoices" Luigi Lusi
hiding behind many "do not know" behind other "hypothesize", appoints Enrico Letta, ensures that the properties of the party used by his family would soon return to the party. It 's over around midnight the session of the Board of the authorization to proceed devoted to listening to the Senate by Senator Luigi Lusi, former treasurer of the Margherita accused of conspiracy and embezzlement, charges for which the Rome prosecutor has asked the' arrest."I think I have answered fully - said Luigi Lusi at the end - all the questions that I have been placed. Do not know if I managed to convince fellow senators, so it is better that you will ask fellow senators." And according to news agencies reported, there would have failed: the orientation emerged informally by the Government is among the senators of the center is between those of the center is to accept the request of the judiciary restriction prison.The name of Enrico Letta. The only new emerged from the testimony of Lusi, apart from a partial retraction of the allegations last week, is that even Enrico Letta was among the leaders of the Democratic Party (the former Margaret) authorized to ask the treasurer of the party funding to be used in political activities.
During the hearing, Lusi was later corrected to some extent the allegations already made in the same council on May 16 last year ensuring that in his opinion the amount being requested on several occasions by the party leaders were always accompanied by invoice and used for political demonstrations. Lusi has also, however, said he was not able to ascertain for himself whether those bills corresponded to the events described.
For Senator questions burst, but someone in the party realized that came out large sums that were fiduciary? I do not have never called to account, the replication of Lusi. The payment of invoices was done with the consent of all, he noted. He confirmed that he had paid two bills to Renzi.
The former treasurer of the Daisy said it would be more accurate if he had the cards with him but he left - he explained - at the Margherita and without make photocopies. Lusi also claimed, always explain to the same sources, he never knew that the foundation Center Sustainable Future Api would give her money.


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Enrico Letta 1966 presidente del Consiglio dei ministri della Repubblica Italiana aprile 2013
Ieri nei pr
Enrico Letta, autocomplottista - Crisis -
di Debora Billi -
2 giorni fa – In molti in questi giorni mi fanno domande sul meeting Bilderberg al quale son stato invitato a Washington lo scorso fine ... Si è discusso dei principali temi in materia di economia e di sicurezza al centro dell'agenda globale. - Contro il Governo delle banche! Noi il debito non lo paghiamo - Giorgio Napolitano rieletto con viva e vibrante soddisfazione -


Il discorso programmatico di Enrico Letta alla Camera: 18 mesi per le riforme, u...Visualizza altro


Madam President

Testo del discorso di Enrico Letta Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri

lunedì 29 aprile 2013

Honourable Members,just a week ago the head of state, Giorgio Napolitano, said his inaugural address to the Presidency of the Republic. He let me turn again a sincere thank you for the extraordinary spirit of dedication to our national community with which he accepted the re-election for a second term.I also want to thank the President of the Senate, Pietro Grasso, and the House, Laura Boldrini, for their collaboration during the consultation phase in this very first startup experience of government.
That of President Napolitano was - we know - an 'exceptional choice. " Exceptional because this is the moment that Italy and Europe find themselves today. Of the emergency, the President of the Republic has invited us to speak the language of truth. He asked us to provide in extremis, to the country and the world, a testament to the will of service and sense of responsibility. Gave us one last chance. The opportunity to prove ourselves worthy of the role that the Constitution recognizes us as representatives of the nation. Worthy to serve the country - through the example, the rigor, skills - in one of the seasons most complex and painful history of the unit.In accepting his call I will speak to you with their own language 'subversive' of the truth. Confessandovi that I feel, at this time very strong awareness of my own limitations and the weight of my responsibility, but pledging to do everything so that my shoulders are broad and strong enough to hold up, in as President of the Board of a government that requires, here and now, the confidence of Parliament.Finally, I could not begin this speech, in a passage so challenging, without a hint staff and express a deep sense of gratitude to those who generously and ancient sense of the word "loyalty" supports me in this difficult passage: Pierluigi Bersani.A GOVERNMENT SERVICE IN ITALY AND EUROPEThe first truth is that the economic situation is still serious. We have accumulated in the past a public debt that weighs like a millstone on the present and future generations, and that is likely to crush forever the country's economic prospects. The great consolidation effort made by the previous government, led by Senator Mario Monti has been growing since the premise of the discipline of public finance was and remains essential to hold interest rates and financial thwart possible attacks. The maintenance of the commitments made with the Document of Economics and Finance is necessary to go out, as soon as the excessive deficit procedure and to recover room for maneuver within the constraints of Europe. In the European and international locations Italy will strive then to devise strategies to revive growth without compromising the process of fiscal consolidation.L 'Europe is in a crisis of legitimacy and effectiveness just when all member states and all citizens need it most. Europe can once again be an engine for sustainable development - and therefore of hope and construction of the future - only if it finally opens. The fate of the entire continent is closely related. There can be no winners and losers if Europe fails this test. We'd all be losers in both the South and North of the continent.
E 'for this reason that if you will get your confidence, immediately visit you in one trip Brussels, Berlin and Paris immediately to give the sign that we are a European government and pro-European.The answer, then, is a further integration towards a Federal Europe. Otherwise the cost of non-Europe, the weight of non-integration, the risk of a monetary union without political union and banking union will become unbearable: as the crisis of the past five years has shown us. This Parliament has already proven to be able to find intended to give Europe an Italian contribution innovative. This was the case in the European Union support for the action of the Monti government and the development of common positions such as that being developed by colleagues Baretta, Brunette and The watchful in view of the European Council last June. From these premises will share policies.The macroeconomic assumptions are those of the Euro and the European Central Bank headed by Mario Draghi.
RESOURCES FOR GROWTH: YOUNG AND TERRITORYOnly restoration of Italy dies. After more than a decade without growth policies for recovery can not wait any longer. Simply: no more time. So many people and too many families are in despair and discouragement to. Think of the vulnerability in individual hardship and danger in the void of hope, to turn into anger and conflict, as we remember the disturbing event that occurred before the same yesterday at Palazzo Chigi. Yesterday going to visit in the hospital Brgadiere Giangrande seriously injured along with the policeman Chosen Negri, I was impressed by the strength and firmness of his daughter Martina. Parliament must cling to her right now. And Parliament must also tighten the Carabinieri and all law enforcement for continuous, quiet, commendable, often in difficult circumstances, carried out in the interest of the nation in Italy and all'este3ro.Without growth and cohesion Italy is lost. The country, however, can make it. But to do it has to start. And to restart all engines must be of this new positive energy. The lintel of the executive will be the commitment to be serious and credible on the reorganization and stability of public finances. Enough with the debts that many times our country has downloaded on his shoulders and the lives of future generations. Those new generations have learned the hard way and not do the same with their children.
That's why the tax reduction without debt will be a continuous target and the whole field. First of all, therefore, reduce taxes on labor, especially on the apartment building and one for the young new recruits. Then a fiscal policy of the house that limits the recessionary effects in a strategic sector such as construction, with renovations include incentives for ecological and subsidized rents and mortgages for young couples. And then you have to overcome the current taxation system of the first house: first with the stop payments in June to give time to the Government and Parliament to work together and quickly apply a comprehensive reform that gives oxygen to the families, especially those less well off.Further measures should be paying part of the debts of the government, the loosening of the Internal Stability Pact and the renunciation to tightening of VAT, the increase of the allocations of the Central Fund of Guarantees for small and medium-sized enterprises and Solidarity Fund for mortgages. But these measures - although necessary in the short term - are not enough.
The economic growth of a country requires a complex strategy that avoids leakage of rain and few resources that can trigger virtuous mechanisms. For this you need a harmony between the actions of the Government and those of banks and companies, which need to be targeted to a long-term growth of economic actors to overcome the long-standing delays Italy in terms of productivity growth and competitiveness. The Government must accompany this growth and remain by the side of the companies even and especially when these are committed abroad in the global arena.An important issue concerns the context of justice, as only with legal certainty investments can thrive. This relates to the moralization of public life and the fight against corruption, which distorts incentives and rules. This also affects the justice as a whole. Justice must be justice for the citizens first. The recovery will return even if the citizens and the Italian and foreign entrepreneurs are convinced of being able to put in the time and with confidence about the decisions of the Italian courts. And all this work if we stop to have a prison situation intolerable and excesses of convictions by the Court of Human Rights. Let us always remember that we are the country of Cesare Beccaria!
We must free the best energies of the country. We are not starting from scratch, but by two great resources. First of all, young people. "You bet on big things," he said yesterday Papa Francesco turned to them. And we have the tools to help. That generation is not only a question pertaining to the renewal of the ruling class, as too often emerges in the public debate. It's a question that dramatic discount on their skin million young people. Report low rates of education and employment, brings discomfort, and even anger, those who do not study or work. Let us ask ourselves how many children are born each year in Italy, for the uncertainty that limits the choices of young families. It's not just demographics, it is a moral injury. Why there should be no lost generations, because only young people can rebuild this country: their new experiences and skills tell us about a changing world, their world. Give up investing in them is economic suicide. And it is the certainty of decline, the most unhappy.
We will simplify and strengthen apprenticeships, which has been successful in neighboring countries. Help can come from changes to the law 92/2012, as suggested by the Committee of Wise Men set up by the President of the Republic, to reduce restrictions on fixed-term contracts, as long as the economic emergency. We will help businesses to employ young people indefinitely, with tax exemptions or support to workers with low wages, put up employment, a general policy of reduction of labor costs and the tax burden. Monetary incentives are not enough. It should take care of the young, turning hardship into hope, focusing on stimulus orientation and entrepreneurship. It is necessary to cross the road traced by the European Youth program guarantee, to ensure effective employment opportunities.
We must treasure the desire to make new Italian, as well as we need to enhance Italians abroad. The appointment of Cecile Kyenge means a new concept of the border as a barrier to hope, from insurmountable limit to bridge between different communities.The knowledge society is constructed and integration at school and universities. We have appropriate means of restoring enthusiasm and educators in many classes turn discomfort into hope and we have to reduce the delay compared to Europe in the percentages of graduates and school leavers. In Italy there is a new social question, marked by the increase in inequality. Only 10% of young Italians with his father is not able to graduate diploma, while 40% in Britain, 35% in France, 33% in Spain. We must finally give full effect to Article. 34 of the Constitution, according to which "the worthy and capable, even without financial means, have the right to attain the highest levels of studies." Equality fuller and designed to last for generations is now more than ever the equality of opportunity.
To revive the industrial future of the country, you must wager on entrepreneurship and innovate and invest in research and development. For this we intend to launch a major multi-year plan for innovation and research, funded through project bonds. The Italian research can and must be reborn in new areas of development, such as the Digital Agenda, green development, nanotechnology, aerospace, biomedical. It's about making a modern industrial policy, which values the great actors but also and in particular small and medium-sized enterprises that are and will remain the driving force of Italian development. In addition to the high technology necessary to invest on environment and energy. The new technologies - renewables and energy efficiency - to be better integrated into the existing context, improving the selectivity of existing incentive, in a perspective view with organic medium and long term. Turning back to the energy sector, it completed the process of integration with the geographic markets in neighboring European countries. This implies, for electricity, the completion of the so-called market coupling and, for gas, the complete realignment of our prices with those of Europe and the transformation of our country into a hub.E 'clear that experiences such as ILVA Taranto are no longer tolerable.All the Italian company, to grow, it needs more simplicity, an alliance between the government and society do not tolerate pockets of privilege. Bureaucracy must not oppress the creative desire of the Italians and it is for this that we must review the entire system of permits. We must streamline procedures and to have confidence in those who want to invest, to create, offer jobs.
You can not ask for more sacrifices always and only to the "usual suspects." The sacrifices are socially sustainable only if they are guided by the principle of fairness. This means combining an iron fight tax evasion with a friend of the people, without the word Equitalia should cause chills when summoned.Another great resource is Italy itself. Beauty without navigation. Our tendency to self-pity is matched only by the admiration that Italy stirs abroad. Many foreigners want to get wet in our seas, visit our town, eat and Italian dressing. Italy and made in Italy are our best richness. E 'for this reason that one of the first acts of the government will be to appoint the Commissioner only for the Expo, a great opportunity that we must not miss. To this end, in the next few days I will be in Milan to present the decree to leave for the last mile of this strategic event.
For this we need to boost tourism and, more importantly, attract investment. We remove those obstacles that make Italy for many is not a lifestyle choice. This means focusing on the culture, and motor development multiplier, or the extraordinary reality of agribusiness. This means enhance and preserve the environment, landscape, art, architecture, culinary excellence, infrastructure, road, rail, port and airport.This also means enhancing our great sporting heritage. The practice of sport means disease prevention, the fight against obesity, learning healthy lifestyles, loyalty and respect for the rules. We must strive to spread the sport from a young with a plan for school buildings across the country.
The resourcefulness of young people and the beauty of the territories on the other hand are two crucial resources for the South. In both cases a wealth dissipated, a reservoir of untapped potential. We have to put in a position to grow the South alone, canceling infrastructure gaps and public policy that have held, focusing on start-ups, particularly the cultural and creative industries, and good management of EU funds, such as the one that characterized the work of the Monti government.We must, above all, do not continue to put our heads in the sand like ostriches and recognize that the gap between the North and South of the country is not a historical accident or a conviction, but the product of decades of failure by the ruling classes, to national level as at the local level. It 's the result of the action of organized crime, of course also present in the rest of the country - in large parts of the South has all the characteristics of military control of the territory and almost arrogant. And this despite the spirit of service and sacrifice of so many servants of the state - the judiciary and representatives of law enforcement, first - that too often we have a responsibility to leave alone. This is also why we have to give substance to the actual value of the specificity of the profession carried out by uniformed personnel of the Armed Forces and the Police.PRIORITY 'WORKBut let me dwell for a moment on the great tragedy of these times which, moreover, in the South of desolation and touches on social alarm: the question of labor. It is and will be the first priority of my government. Only with the work you can get out of this nightmare of impoverishment and take the path of growth is not an end in itself, but once you get over the injustices and bring dignity and well-being. Without growth, including emergency assistance to which we are committed and which I repeat here - refinancing of layoffs notwithstanding, overcome the insecurity also in public administration - would be insufficient. In particular, with workers esodati the national community has broken a covenant, and the structural solution to this issue is a priority of this Government.Today more than ever necessary mutual trust: firms and workers must act together and overcome opposition that we have held in the past. I am sure that as many critical moments in the life of the Czech trade unions will be featured. The government wants to lead the way with proposals that will deepen together: expand tax incentives to those who invest in innovation, support the aggregation and internationalization of SMEs, giving more credit to those who deserve it, ensure the payment of debts to companies, simplify and remove bureaucratic obstacles that hinder entrepreneurship.We also need to promote self-employment and self-employment, which in a post-industrial society are the backbone of our economy. The liberalization measures were also well taken. Now we must all work together to form and give opportunities to young people, improve the quality, to better serve customers.
Also on female employment must do much more. The increased presence of women in the economic, social and policy already gives extraordinary contributions to the growth of the country, but we are far behind the European objectives. We are still a country of equal opportunities. The lack of services download on women duties unsustainable, aggravated in some cases by a growth of unbearable violence against women.The reform of our welfare requires wide-ranging actions to revive the European social model. The traditional welfare, adult male and crushed on pensions and health care, no longer works. It does not stimulate the growth of the person and not just to correct inequalities. No need for hysteria. We need a radical change: a more universalistic and less corporate welfare, to support all those in need, helping them to get up and re-activated. For an active welfare, younger and female, will be improved social safety nets, extending them to those who have none, from the precarious, and you can study minimum income schemes, especially for needy families with children.They have found wide acceptance in the past months Parliamentary proposals on incentives for gradual retirement with part-time pension mixed with a 'generational relay "for the parallel recruitment of young people. In addition, to avoid the formation of basins extended to older workers difficult relocation, we will gradualizzazione circumscribed forms of retirement, such as access with 3-4 years early retirement with a penalty proportional.We must also remember that the best Italy has an Italy united. E 'for this reason that the government can only enhance the network security of the citizens and their rights, with action aimed at the improvement of services, ranging from health to public transport, local and commuter traffic, with a focus on people with disabilities and dependents.In this regard I would like to pay tribute to the men and women who every day allow our country to enjoy this solidarity that maintain joined our social fabric: the servants of the state - those who risk their lives to protect the institutions, those who work in health care to save lives, the ones who help our children to grow - but also the operators of voluntary cooperation, the third sector and Galaxy 5 by 1000. And 'the example that is given daily by these people that makes us rediscover the value of public service.
A special mention deserves the civil defense, which gave an impressive display in the earthquakes in Abbruzzo and Emilia, and that reminds us that we have a commitment to prevention, with a maintenance plan against the hydrogeological and fight to illegal.THE REFORMI wish this government inaugurasse a new phase in the life of the Republic. Not the swan song of a system imploded on its degeneration too many, but a first commitment to the reconstruction of politics and the way we perceive ourselves as a community.The reconstruction, however, can only begin an exercise real, not simulated, self-criticism. The truth is that politics has made too many mistakes. It is eroded, day after day, the credibility of politics and institutions, victims of a presentism - that is obsessed with the immediate approval - that blocked the country.Again, we have not understood what the legitimate demands of innovation, participation, transparency, underlying the web revolution, could result in an objective improvement in the quality of our representative democracy instead of flowing into the myth or the illusion of direct democracy.Today we are facing another challenge, even more complex: that of the authority. The authority of the power that it no longer, as in the past, the monopoly of information, but must have the profile and skills to discern the true from the false in the flood of information on the Net The authority of those not satisfied the likelihood and hearsay, but only and always chooses the truth and has the courage and the patience to tell it to the people, even if painful or brutal.To begin with, we must recover decency, sobriety, scruples, sense of honor and service and, finally, the banality of running a good father. Everyone must do his part. To this end, to set an example, the first act of the Government will be to eliminate with a standard emergency salary of Ministers MPs that has always existed in addition to their benefits.No one, I repeat no one, can consider himself exempt from the duty of the authority. No one can be considered until the end acquitted of having contaminated the public confrontation with gestures, words, deeds or omissions. With 11 and a half million citizens who have decided not to vote in elections last February, that abstention was found to be the first party. It had never happened before, two million more than in 2008, four from 2006. Against this background, the reduction in the cost of politics becomes a duty of credibility. Think of the electoral reimbursements: all laws introduced since 1994 have been hypocritical and disastrous. Loan repayments but not masked. For more than amount far too high, as the Court of Auditors has recently confirmed 2 and a half billion Euros from 1994 to 2012, compared with about half of expenditure certified miliardo.E ', this, only a confirmation of the fact that the system must be revolutionized. Let's start from the public financing of political parties, abolishing the law passed last year too shy and introducing control measures and sanctions also on regional and parliamentary groups. It should then initiate processes that finally deliver on the free choice of citizens, with appropriate action on the fiscal side, the contribution to political parties.E ', however, also important to connect the issue of funding to that of internal party democracy, finally implementing the principles on internal democracy embedded in art. 49 of the Constitution, stimulating the participation of militants and ensuring the transparency of decisions and procedure.Rivendico strongly the importance of a temporary "government service to the country" between forces, and certainly far different. I think that is not easy to vote together so heterogeneous positions, but for this I think this is a decision that deserves respect even by those who do not share because it is not motivated by particular but from higher principles of national cohesion. This is the meaning of the message of the President of the Chambers. We must not be afraid to do our duty for Italy. We must make our contribution to rebuild a bond of trust, to rediscover the sense of a common mission. As Italian, you win or lose together.
Surely it should be an exception and the convergence of political forces that are presented as alternatives to elections. But that is outstanding at the polls, partly due to the electoral law, do not leave any majority, is outstanding the economic emergency that the government will have to face, is exceptional in that it is necessary to rewrite some constitutional rules. So I think that the political forces that support the government are proving a great sense of responsibility and attachment to the institutions. Twenty years of attacks and discredit each other every capital have eroded confidence in relations between the parties and the public, which is exhausted, more and more exhausted, the fights inconcludenti.Ho Nino Andreatta learned from the fundamental distinction between politics, understood as dialogue between different factions, and political, understood as practical solutions to common problems. If at this time we focus on the policy, our differences we immobilized her. If we focus on policies, then we can perform a service to the country by improving the lives of citizens.
And 'why I intend to appeal to the responsibility of political parties and movements because I think the central role of Parliament, with a continuous dialogue with the political forces that do not support the Government and the creation of permanent places of co-decision, who will attend personally, between the government and the political forces that support him.REFORM OF THE INSTITUTIONS
The appeal to the responsibility and ability to find land of convergence is even more pressing in our task of reforming the institutions, because I hope that by writing rules that affect the lives of all the democratic front will spread to the forces that they are going to support the government in an organic way, which is to participate fully in the costituente.Vedo today a narrow way, but possible, even for a radical reform of the institutional system and the system politico.Un imperative must be clear to all of us since at first: in this field in recent decades we have witnessed too many times when starting paths reformers who presented themselves as problem solvers, which also sincere intentions of those who proposed them, they promised to give us institutions more efficient and capable of making decisions, as well as most nearby citizens, and instead were shattered against reciprocal vetoes, closures partisan stances and instrumental contrasts harmful despite the repeated calls of the President of the Republic.In order to subtract the debate on the reform of the Charter of Fundamental physiological opposition to the debate which seems to be good that the Parliament adopt its decisions on the basis of proposals made by a Convention, also open to the participation of leading experts and non-parliamentarians that starts from the results the parliamentary activity of the last Parliament and the conclusions of the Committee of Wise established by the President of the Republic. The Convention must be able to immediately start its work on the basis of the acts of Parliament address, waiting for the procedures for a Constitutional provision can be accomplished.Since this time the only way forward for this issue is the success in the adoption of the reforms that the country wait for too long, in 18 months will verify if the project will be started to a safe harbor. If I have a reasonable assurance that the process of revision of the Constitution can be successful, then our work will continue. Otherwise, if vetoes and uncertainties were to threaten to bog down everything for the umpteenth time, I would not hesitate to immediately reap the consequences.The morality of politics is to make the decisions that citizens expect, and to respect the commitments made in front of the country and institutions.The overall objective is to reform to bring them closer to the public institutions, strengthening the popular investiture of the executive and improving efficiency and effectiveness of the legislative process. The principles that must guide us are the ruler of a democracy: the ability of voters to choose their representatives and decide elections and majority governments that support them.We must overcome the bicameral equal to streamline decision-making and institutional avoid traffic jams like the one we just experienced, entrusting the task to a single room to confer or withdraw confidence in the government. No electoral law is able to ensure the formation of a majority identically in two different branches of Parlamento.Dobbiamo then establish a second chamber - the Senate of the regions and autonomies - with different skills and with the aim to fully realize the ' integration with the autonomy of the central state, on the basis of a clearer division of responsibilities between levels of government with the completion of the reform of Title V. You have to re-order administrative levels and abolish the provinces. Simplification and subsidiarity should guide us in order to promote the efficiency of all levels of government and reduce the operating costs of the state. This does not mean a policy of cuts undifferentiated, but try to highlight municipalities and regions to strengthen their responsibilities, with a view of the alliance between the government and the autonomous territories and ordinary and special. It must also quickly close the match of Fiscal Federalism, reviewing the fiscal relationship between center and periphery safeguarding the centrality of the territories and regions. You can also explore the suggestion of the Committee of Wise Persons set up by the President of the Republic for a possible reorganization of the Regions and the relationships between them.It must also reform the form of government, and on this point we must also take into account courageous choices, refusing small cosmetic measures and rejecting the prejudices of the past.The electoral law is naturally linked to the form of government, but since you can now outline the key objectives. First, we here solemnly give an undertaking that that last February will be the last election that takes place on the basis of the electoral law in force. Change it serves not only to ensure the formation of majorities sufficiently large and cohesive, capable of ensuring stable governments, but still before Parliament and to restore legitimacy to individual MPs. We can no longer accept the idea of parliamentarians in fact imposed with the same submission of applications, without the public have the opportunity to identify the most deserving candidate.I am certain that the political forces are able to find good solutions. Allow me to express personally and certainly better than current law would at least restore the previous electoral law.
THE NEW EUROPERepresenting the entire nation today means first of all to know and to reiterate that the fate of Italy are closely related to those of the EU. Two destinies that they join.In 2012, all of us have won the Nobel Prize though perhaps we have not fully realized. The European Union has been awarded for unprecedented political alchemy: the transformation of the rubble of a continent of war in an area of peace. Then the enemies decided to live together. After all we have promoted democracy and reunified the continent from the wounds of the Iron Curtain. Together we have created the single market. Together we conceived development cooperation, of which we are a leader in the world. Together with the children left in 1987 for the first Erasmus, we found we had new homes and new families. And together, in the crisis, we must start from some truth, because the truth must never be afraid.
First, the Nobel is not the memory. Europe is not the past, it is the journey on which we embarked to get in the future. Europe is the political space to raise with the hope that animated our society in the post-war reconstruction. It is the political space in which to put an end to this war of stereotypes, mistrust and timidity, while the tragedy of youth unemployment puts an entire generation in the trenches. Europe exists only in the present and the future, only if the story written by his grandparents and fathers are flanked by the actions of their children and grandchildren.Secondly, Europe is our journey. Its history is not written in spite of us. It is written by us. The horizon is European, with universities that have graduate graduates able to work anywhere in Europe, and businesses that need to invent products that are competitive at continental if not global. Think Italy without Europe is the real limitation of our sovereignty, because it leads to devaluation more dangerous to ourselves. Living in this century means not separate the Italian and European responses to questions, the fight against unemployment and inequality, in the defense and promotion of all human rights. And above all, the demolition of the walls between the North and South of the continent, as well as between the North and the South of Italy.Third: the port to which our journey is addressed is the United States of Europe and our ship is called a democracy. We look with admiration the development of other nations, particularly in Asia and Africa, but do not want to dream the dreams of others. We have the right to dream called Political Union and we must make it clearer. We can have "more Europe" only with "more democracy": with European parties, with the direct election of the President of the Commission, with a budget should be bold and concrete as the dreams you want to become reality.Italy lives in a world increasingly large, marked by the arrival on the scene of new emerging powers that are changing the world balance. In the face of giants like China, India and Brazil, the individual European states can only develop a common policy to achieve the critical mass needed to interact with these new actors and influence on global processes.This means a renewed commitment to a common foreign and defense policy, intended to renew their commitment to the consolidation of the international order, a commitment that sees our Armed Forces in the forefront, with a self-sacrifice and professionalism second to none . We will work to find a fair solution to the rapid and painful story of the two marines held in India, allowing them to be legitimate return to Italy as soon as possible.Italy is placed firmly in the Western camp, but its geopolitical position projected towards other civilizations, its culture accustomed to dialogue and its economy suited for export, can deliver a role as a bridge between the West and the new emerging powers.This is especially important in the Mediterranean, where the consolidation of the Arab Spring, the political resolution of the crisis in Syria and the continuation of the peace process in the Middle East are the most pressing issues.CONCLUSIONThese days I thought about the biblical character of David.
Like him, with him, we are in the valley of Elah, waiting to face Goliath.In the valley of our fears in the face of challenges that appear gigantic. Also the challenge of getting together to address them. Like David in the valley, we must strip ourselves of the sword and armor that in recent years we wore and what time we would weigh down.David "took his stick in his hand, and chose him five smooth stones from the brook, and put them in his shepherd's bag, in the bag, and took his sling in his hand and approached Goliath." We, the "stream" of the ideas we discussed we chose our "pebbles", our program proposals. The "slingshot" we have it in hand together, Government and Parliament. But David's we need the courage and confidence. The courage to put aside the "political prudence" that drives us to avoid confronting our fears, to remain in the valley and, if you decide to move, to do so wearing the armor. The courage to face the challenge of getting rid of armor, perhaps we found it. Confidence is what we ask the Parliament and Italians.

Enrico Letta 1966 presidente del Consiglio dei ministri della Repubblica Italiana aprile 2013

#PiazzaPulita. Luigi #Lusi attacca Enrico #Letta. #LettaFalloSubito era tra i dirigenti del Pd-Margherita autorizzati a chiedere a Luigi Lusi  tesoriere del partito finanziamenti da utilizzare in attività politiche. Lusi si difende e parla di Enrico Letta "Non potevo

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PiazzaPulita. Luigi Lusi attacca Enrico Letta. LettaFalloSubito era tra i dirigenti del Pd-Margherita autorizzati a chiedere a Luigi Lusi  tesoriere del partito finanziamenti da utilizzare in attività politiche. Lusi si difende e parla di Enrico Letta "Non potevo

lanx) ha condiviso la foto di Giù la Testa.


#PiazzaPulita. Luigi #Lusi attacca Enrico #Letta. #LettaFalloSubito era tra i dirigenti del Pd-Margherita autorizzati a chiedere a Luigi Lusi  tesoriere del partito finanziamenti da utilizzare in attività politiche. Lusi si difende e parla di Enrico Letta "Non potevo



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